Monday, July 25, 2011

A Church Picnic

Decatur Presbyterian is just a nice place to be.
I haven't been to a lot of churches, but this place is just nice.
The pastors are nice, the people are nice and the setting in downtown Decatur is just downright nice.
Since Mama N has started attending church at DPC, our circle of friends has grown and I can honestly say, life is much better.
We attended a barbecue on the lawn where we met new and old friends. The pastor allowed us a photo op and some of us (guess who) were covered in barbq sauce.

Our closest friends at church are Pastor Hughes, Julieanne,  Angie, Sue,  Erin, Jan and Greg, Sue Ann, Annalisa, and Laura. They have provided clothing, toys, an amazing stroller, English lessons and most of all love. They all want the best for this African family.
Perhaps you take those blowup bouncy things at birthday parties for granted but it was quite a site for Mama N and little E. There was a giant one on the church lawn and I had the bright idea of taking Eric in and playing with him. Its been a long time since I have been in one of those things and I forgot how over stimulated kids can be in there. Oh well- I did not want to deprive little E of his first real life American ADHD inducing activity, so in we went.

All of a sudden the little things in life become the big things.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting these great shots! You're a trooper to get in a bouncy house in this heat, but I know it was worth it to see Little E enjoying it. Decatur Pres is an excellent church. One of Thomas' good friends attends there. I'm glad they've embraced this family.
