Wednesday, July 27, 2011

B and C

No surprise that Baby C's first utterance was "BBBBBB." She would follow Bea around like a mother duck playing with the sound B. Now she points to any letter she sees and sings "ABC" at the top of her lungs. She is learning so fast. As soon as she sees Bea, she picks up a book and shoves it towards her.

Bea's major job is to teach C to read and learn sounds properly. She is also supposed to keep her from missing Mommy too much while she is in church services. They are completely bonded.

Finding your identity at 14 is a challenge. Bea is funny, beautiful and has so many friends. She is a good friend and loves to make people laugh. She has an energy that cannot be explained.
As her mother, I often marvel at her effect on people.
Channeling that energy into blessings is the task most teenagers face. To me, blessings are providing service above what is convenient and making connections that allow another to thrive and feel secure. Getting outside the world of me and looking at we. We cannot turn our backs on those who we can support. In our school, our neighborhood, and our city there are so many ways to serve.

The IRC is an agency that has allowed me and my children to interact with the world in a way that is educational and community oriented. Helping others to adjust and find secure lives is a powerful experience.
So Bea and C mean so much. A teenager who loves to text and be with friends and a baby from another world who will be the hope and light for her family. Both are a light to me.
A snack at Decatur Presbyterian childcare.

A nap after snack. Bea is good at that.

C's favorite new word.... she -shoe

let me teach you how to text

I love you Bea

I could stay here all day

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